Wednesday 27 April 2016


I am a girl, I am gay
A am a daughter, a sister, a student, a person
I should be able to be me without coercion
I was raised in a world of rights and wrongs
There was only black and white, no areas of gray
I was taught to stand tall, be brave, be strong.

I know now that the world is more complicated than it seems
Society is broken, people feel safer hiding than living their dreams
People are different and these differences should be celebrated
The world is uneducated
Exploding with ignorance and hate
Walk a mile in my shoes and tell me how you understand stripping someone of their rights because they weren't born straight.

To all you so called "supporters": actions speak louder than words, DO SOMETHING
Stop hiding behind broken promises and fight alongside us
United we'll stand
We'll battle as one against fear and labels
Together, hand in hand.

With critics silenced we will walk through life with pride
Gay, straight, transgender, side by side
No more going through life believing freedom is a pipe dream
The world will be in agreement: WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME TEAM.

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